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According to European Union regulations, since mid-2021, all identity cards issued by the EU Member States must contain the fingerprints of 2 (index) fingers.
From now on, you have to come to your career consulate in person and by appointment to obtain an electronic identity card (e-ID) or a Kids-ID (if your child is 6 years of age or older).
Applying for an eID - Dublin
- Register at the Embassy (if not already done)
- Complete the application form and send it to the Embassy by email or post
- Book an appointment. Please allow at least 3 (form sent by email) or 5 working days (form sent by post) between the date of sending and the date of your appointment.
- Make your payment online (if paying by transfer)
- Come to the Embassy at the time of your appointment with proof of payment by bank transfer on paper, or your bank card to pay on the day. We will take a digital photo and your biometics during this appointment.
- €20 (over 12 yrs)
- €10 (under 12 yrs)
Method of payment
You can pay in advance by electronic transfer to the Embassy account:
IBAN IE76 BOFI 9009 7346 7866 51
Make sure to mention the name and surname of the person applying and the document required e.g. Mary Murphy - Identity Card). Please make sure to attach a proof of your payment to your application.
Please note we can now accept card payments in the Embassy.
The waiting time to obtain your eID: 2 to 3 weeks.
Collection and activation of the eID
We recommend that you make an appointment online for the collection of your card so that the eID can be activated at the same time. You will receive a PUK code for activation along with your new eID.
Dispatching of the ID card
If you want to receive your eID by post, on the understanding that you would like to activate this eID at a later date, please add a pre-paid self-addressed Registered Mail envelope to your application.
More information
- eID: electronic identity card for adults and children older than 12
- Kids-ID: electronic identity card for children younger than 12
Do not confuse the Belgian identity card with the Belgian passport or with the residence card of your country of residence
Note the difference between Belgian identity cards and residence documents, which may be issued by the country of residence. The validity and legal nature of these residence documents are generally limited to the territory of the country of residence.
The eID and Kids-ID are valid identity and travel documents for the member states of the European Union and for a few neighbouring countries. Hence, they will often be helpful - and even necessary - means for the holders to identify themselves.
For numerous countries a passport is required as an eID is not sufficient.